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Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 16:26
by nestorpr
There's a B26 in Angleton in which I'm interested, does anyone live close by to take a look at it? I'll reimburse for the gas/diesel!

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 18:09
by Hyena Love
Sure. Live in Houston, and have a boat is in Freeport. Angleton is about 15 miles this side of Freeport.

Hit me with an address, a local contact phone, and your phone, and I will kick the tires.

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 20:25
by Tommy
Is this a great Board or what! I've bought two out-of-town boats because somebody like Hyena Love stepped up to the plate and took a swing for me (and one was Uncle Vic, who coined the term "Hyena Boat")!

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 22:48
by nestorpr
Thanks Hyena! I sent you a PM with the info. You gotta love the sandbox!

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 17th, '13, 11:37
by JohnCranston
I have a house in Freeport with alot of concrete. If you buy the boat, you're welcome to keep it over at our place until you can get to it...we have a diesel truck that will pull it real easy.

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 22nd, '13, 23:07
by DanielM

I've been snowed under with a shutdown at the plant I work for so I haven't been able to respond.

I suspect you've already got it covered, but I live 15 minutes from Angleton if Hyena Love hasn't made it down from Houston.

Would be glad to take a look for you if you still need.

Re: Does anyone live near Angleton, TX?

Posted: Oct 24th, '13, 22:49
by nestorpr
Thanks a lot guys! He was able to see the boat and gave me a great report and photos but I decided to pass on the purchase, thanks on the help offers though!