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bionic randall

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 10:59
by randall
YIKES!!....and that plate goes down another 3 inches out of the picture with some big ass screws.

metal detectors are going to be a pain.


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:06
by In Memory Walter K
Randall- Are they planning to take those cross-pins out later?

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:32
by Rawleigh
Here come the body cavity searches at the airport!!

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:39
by AndreF
I would have done it differently.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:53
by randall
AndreF wrote:I would have done it differently.
i'm open minded...what did you have in mind?

yes the pins come out. right now my wrist is internally immobilized. one of the pins sticks through the skin....

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 13:18
by In Memory Walter K

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 13:19
by mike ohlstein
AndreF wrote:I would have done it differently.

Would have made a nice mount.....

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 14:11
by CaptPatrick
Would have made a nice mount.....
Maybe something like this?


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 14:27
by randall
i can think of a different configuration.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 14:53
by scot
One of these days Randall you will figure out that your not a kid anymore. But I hope you don't anytime soon.

Ouch, your gonna feel that one every time the weather changes.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 15:02
by mike ohlstein
More of a waving gesture, on a cover board protector that says HOWDY.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 15:33
by Capt. DQ
You gonna have fun rehabing that wrist & hand there Randall. I broke my right radial last August in two places and I would not let the first Ortho Doctor put plate and screws in mine. Went to the 2nd Ortho Doc I knew 10 days after the accident, He said he could fix it without plates & screws, so I said, go for it.

He rebroke it in his office, OUCH! that hurt. Till this day still not totally rehabed yet, still gonna take some time to get it back to full strength and full radial movement back with it. Exrays on mine look like it has never been broke. Although your break is not very pretty, it will heal in time. Did he say he was going to remove your plate & screws after it healed? Mosted do, just wondering what your Doc said. Oh, btw the hand is one of the most difficult to rehad if he didn't tell you that.

Good Luck with it,

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 16:40
by Mikey
After two years on crutches I had traumatic arthritis in the same place in both wrists. Had fusion with two extruding pins in each wrist. First, don't hit those pins on anything. This is an invitation for a new experience in pain. Second, ask for drugs when they remove them. The word from the docs is, "it ain't nothing." However, none of them has been on the receiving end. They don't tell you that the bone grows to the pins and first we twist then we pull. Along with the drugs they give you take a jug of clear.
Drink with your other hand.
Didn't mean to be the harbinger of bad tidings, but forewarned is forearmed.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 16:48
by randall

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 16:52
by randall
DQ...lots of ligament and tendon starts next week.

i dont think this kind of break can be fixed without hardware

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 19:29
by Pete Fallon
Good luck with the rehab, the plate looks like a couple of old fashion window locks. The airport metal detectors are going to love you. I've got so much metal in me, 7 in upper jaw, 1 total right knee and a door spring in the right artery, that I light X-ray up like a pin ball machine when I go thru security. Going in the 25 th of January for 13th operation on the right knee. I'm worth more as scrap than my bank account. Keep squeezing the rubber ball.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 20:28
by coolair
Again Randall, i wish you the best, the only ray of hope i can offer, is my buddy shattered his wrist when he fell off the 2nd floor of his fraternity house, and landed on a railroad tie, hes ok now, it took at least a year to rehab though. and my mother in law broke her ankle last year, was in a halo for over a year, but it healed and shes almost back to normal and the drs after her like 3rd operation said it might not heel,

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 20:39
by randall
been here before. i had my left foot crushed in a car accident. they wanted to fuse my ankle. they told me i would never walk right , never run and get severe arthritis if i didnt fuse it. i passed on that and five years later in senior league softball i was the fastest guy in the league. i do wear out shoes at an alarming rate however. oh yeah.....i literally went skiing the day they cut the cast off. i'm older and far more cautious now. at least after the fact.

Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 00:21
by Capt. DQ
Keep squeezing the rubber ball.
Pete, rehab instructors will never recommend you do that, BAD JU-JU. Randall go to Sports Academy or some place similar and get you a Dyna-Flex grip excersizer, there about $20-$25, that will excersize your hand & wrist & fingers really great, once you get most of your rotation and flexibilty back and can make a fist. I've got one that the rehab therapist recommend. If you get one you will most definitly understand what I'm talking about.


Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 05:56
by Bruce
Would have made a nice mount.....
Next to the TV incase the remote batteries died is good.


Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 09:14
by randall
i start rehab wednesday with a certified hand therapist. ill follow their program. in the meantime i am using it as much as possible. i typed this with two hands. driving is the next hurdle. might get a cheapo automatic car.

no cast...just a light weight splint held on with velcro. a little scary but very convenient.....fits in sleeves.

Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 10:06
by gplume

How did you do it?,,,(Or do I ask, what does the other guy look like?)

No face plants off that long board i hope?

Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 10:14
by Harry Babb
Thats a good looking display of machine work and carpentry you got there.

Your attitude about continuing to use it as much as possible is going to be your saving many people "Baby" their injuries......and never regain as much use of their arms legs and hands as they would if they would do as you are doing.....Just grin and bear it.

I had a motorcycle accident 35 years ago....had mangled foot and a broken femur....repaired by a "Nail" about 3/8" square shaped nearly 16" long. They removed it a year later. I am beginning to have a lot of problems with the old injurys....artheritis (spelling??) but I have found that the more active I am on a daily basis the better I feel.

Good luck


Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 10:44
by Charlie J
dam randal thats a work of art, hope you feeling better get well soon

Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 11:10
by randall
thanks everyone for the well wishes and advice. was a too easy job on a ladder....arrogance, inattention and distraction. pride goeth before the fall. not dead or worse so i am happy as terry says to be be anywhere.

i am making some progress. i can squeeze the toothpaste, hold things and every day i get a little more strength and flexability. it feels really good to hold my hand about a foot over the wood stove.

Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 16:01
by tunawish

I hope you don't have any pieces due for delivery to clients...

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery....


Posted: Dec 5th, '09, 19:40
by randall
i finished the last piece lefty and talked to a museum director tonight who's husband commissioned a piece for her but she dosent know it. luckily its done. went out for sushi and did the chop
sticks lefty....some new challenge every day.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 07:51
by Bruce
a certified hand therapist
Growing up in Philly we called them hookers...........

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 08:48
by Carl
Randall, kind of funny how the stupid mistakes can cost you the most.

Sounds like you have a good attitude, best wishes on a speedy recovery.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 09:35
by randall
thanks......secret of the cards you are dealt.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 09:36
by randall
Bruce wrote: Growing up in Philly we called them hookers...........

we call em massage parlors.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 10:26
by Capt Dick Dean
The boat, the surfing, the kayak, the living out east ..... this is what you might call living on the edge. When will you consider "giving it up"?

Maybe in 2020??

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 11:50
by randall
Capt Dick Dean wrote:The boat, the surfing, the kayak, the living out east ..... this is what you might call living on the edge. When will you consider "giving it up"?

Maybe in 2020??

my friends 60 foot bertram is named "above the ground". as long as i'm on this side of the dirt i intend to live as full a life as possible. it aint an accident i picked a career with no retirement.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 12:11
by CaptPatrick
it aint an accident i picked a career with no retirement.
Same here, but it certainly was incindental....

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 12:13
by Harry Babb
Randall......I TOTALLY admire your attitude there buddy! ! !

I have made similar statments, about living life, so many times that Jo Ann decorated my bathroom with the following plaque and picture.....

I'll place my money on a bet that by spring you will be surfing as usual....



Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 13:30
by randall
yeah....i think UV has the same plaque. i'm good ...but i'm not in his league!!

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 13:31
by randall
CaptPatrick wrote:Same here, but it certainly was incindental....

cant imagine you sittin around all day lookin for something to do.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 19:42
by bob lico
somehow, someway you find the strenth to go on i feel it is mine over matter .the constant pain goes away if you could put all your thinking efforts into a project.i go to sleep with pain and i wake up in pain (if i sleep at all) just stay off the drugs they only make you me in the spring we can go out the inlet in gale warnings and kick pain in the balls together.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 19:47
by randall
bob...i'll take you up on that.

i havent taken a pain pill since the day of the surgery. just a constant dull ache....really not bad at all.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 21:57
by gplume
That plaque is great..... I clipped the picture for further dispesment to my riding buddies if you don't mind.

"May be goin to hell in a bucket...but at least I'm enjoying the ride."...I think these are in the lyrics to a Greatful Dead song if I remember correctly...comes to mind for this occasion.

I just got my 401k newsletter from Scwabb yesterday....It had an article about people that are working longer to meet their retirement goals.... sounds like "no retirement" is the wave of the future.,,,,, I 'll save further commentary on this thought for the political forum.

So the way I figure least you guys are doing something you really enjoy...and not just makin moeny for the "man at the top".

By the way Randall.....The bright side: Should have no impact on your surf career,...and you will now have a built in warning system to tell when a "low pressure system" is comming as in wave generation....and probably more accurate than the on line wave sites.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 22:38
by randall
in order to retire you have to work. id do it for free. as a matter of fact i did do it for free from 4-15 when it occured to me for the first time.....i could sell this stuff............................took till 18 to actually do it.

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 23:22
by coolair
Ya, i might not make the big bucks, but at least i get to do what i enjoy(but writing your own check can be very stressful) . Randall i still cant get over how beautiful your work is, i just cant comprehend how you take a block of wood and turn it into those beautiful pieces of far as a "hand specialist" when i cut the tendons in my hand i was sent to one, went like twice the funny part was she was asian, (like the massage parlors haha)

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 09:20
by Mikey
When I started acting as a career friends asked, "What about retirement?" I told them that as long as I could get out of bed in the morning I could go to work, and when I could'nt it would be a prelude to falling off my perch.
I never suspected to have worked enough to get retirement from SAG but I do. Of course it just about covers my bar bill.
Ride on!

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 10:18
by randall
my mom had acting gigs into her late 70's. great at playing bitchy old women.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 15:37
by tunawish
randall wrote:my mom had acting gigs into her late 70's. great at playing bitchy old women.
My wife has been practicing for that part for years...I see an Emmy in her future..