Page 1 of 1 Birthday

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 10:28
by Tommy
Hi Patrick,

Was it November 25th of 1998 or 1999 that you launched Either way, thanks for a great ride. I bumped the fundraiser thread in case anyone missed the opportunity to help keep this site cranking along. Time flies when you're having fun!


Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 10:53
by CaptPatrick
Thanks Tommy!

It'll be 10 years in another 14 days... Still seems like yesterday that I put the word out on a few discussion groups that only were being posted on by maybe 6 or 7 guys. I can't recall exactly, but I seem to remember that Uncle Vic was the first person to post a reply to my "Welcome Aboard" message.

That group has grown from 6 or 7 to 780 registered members, 11 of which have joined just within the past 6 weeks. It's true that I am finally starting to feel that I'll be leaving something behind me, other than just a disappearing boat wake. That might not be much in the grand scheme of things, but if it make you guys happy, it makes me ecstatic.

Here's thanking all of our members for their participation and support!

A special thanks also goes to Bruce. Without his personal friendship, support, and participation on the board I wouldn't feel quite as complete.

Best regards to all of you,


Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 11:03
by neil
capt pat ,you have done a fine job,my family and i have met some real fun people and had some great times thanks neil

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 13:36
by Kevin
I remeber a post talking about "reaching the 300" member mark. It has turned into a huge sand box. The knowledge base here is incredible. For me this site has been important because it has taught me a great deal about our boats and how to fix them. Not only that, it has become a place you can read posts from friends you have never even met in person! Sometimes the laughs are so good you fall out of your chair! I am looking forward to getting back home. I have been in DC a lot for the past month or so. It will be nice to spend some time on the boat again. Despite being away from the boat and my normal routines, was always here. Thanks for everything.

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 14:25
by Bruce
It has turned into a huge sand box
Shhh. we just got rid of the last cat.

A special thanks also goes to Bruce. Without his personal friendship, support, and participation on the board I wouldn't feel quite as complete.
Thats what brothers do.

In the beginning the general mechanical section open to everyone under the sun was rough.

But with sister Mary Catherine's teaching methods, many of these guys have attempted and completed their own projects.

Those who didn't at least were given the knowledge to make sure they could keep an eye on who ever was doing the work.

I remember the first person we met was Mike picking up that 53 Hat in Long Island.

I'd like to thank a few special folks, UV, Andre, Mike, Tommy, Jim Bailey, Terry Frank, Ricky Saunders, Randall, Walter, Pete, Kevin, Brian B, Trey and Gerry plus all the folks at the boat shows, UVIs, and gatherings plus the rest of the sailing school rejects that post regularly.

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 15:43
by dougl33
Bruce wrote:plus the rest of the sailing school rejects that post regularly.
You mean like Timmy?

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 18:27
by randall
we were standing on the dock at port eades (this could be the start of about 15 good stories) and a bunch of 20 year old mates from the mississippi boats were quizzing us cause we had out B31 shirts on. they knew who everyone was...blew me away. when i pointed out patrick their eyes got wide. A LEGACY FOR SURE!!. might be 700 odd members but the reach is way bigger than that.


Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 18:54
by In Memory of Vicroy
A couple dozen of us fishing together in Panama where Randall's pix of Capt. Patrick was unruly mob of us wandering the FLL boat show wearing Mike Ohlstein's famous UVI shirts, turning heads everywhere. Hanging out in room 401 at the Flophouse. And everyone we meet anywhere in the world wants a Bertram 31. Amazing.

And Nov. 25th will mark 43 years me & the Bride have been hitched. Congrats, Faithful, and thanks, Ole Fart!


Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 20:38
by Capt. DQ
About a couple of months before the first UVI, I learned of and @ the first UVI I met a great bunch people and have been meeting them ever since from this site and I'm still meeting a great bunch of people and a great wealth of information about the best boat ever built. Oh, can't forget the Flophouse either, what a great CRIB for a gathering of the Faithful. What a great idea Capt. Patrick for this site & UV for the UVI's. Hope there are many more birthdays.


[img][img] ... urcit3.jpg[/img][/img]

Pictures of Short Circuit & Jaded Lady at Port Eads at the First UVI

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 21:25
by Tony Meola
Wow its hard to believe the length of time. I started searching out info for my 31 back in the late 90's when I was stuck in the office until late at night. I guess I finally jumped into the box and stopped lurking about about 6 years ago.

Time sure flies.

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 21:37
by In Memory Walter K
Yes it does, and you guys have sure made it a lot of fun! Port Eads, TSL in Panama, Uncle Vic's Camp, Rendezvous in Montauk, Block Island, Newport, Point Judith,...a lot of miles and a lot of smiles in those years too! Friends I would have never had. Thanks Patrick

Posted: Nov 11th, '09, 22:39
by Harry Babb
As best as I can remember I have been hanging around on Bertram 31 since the early part of 2004 shortly after purchasing DeNada

I have certainly enjoyed my time here and even more so I have enjoyed my friendships that have developed across this GREAT COUNTRY of our's.

My thanks to Patrick and ALL of my Bertram friends.

Happy Birthday BERTRAM31


Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 00:09
by coolair
As a new member, all i can say is the amount of information on this site is mind boggling, any thing and everything you need to know is here.
I am grateful it exists and just goes to show you how great a 31 Bertram is and how great its followers are. Capt. Pat thanks for all the help, i am glad the site was started. I truly feel bad for anyone working on any other boat, because if they have problems, they dont have a source like this to turn too!

Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 08:36
by Dug
Thanks Patrick.

It has been amazing.


Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 08:41
by randall
i have often said to people one of the most life changing moments for me was 10 years ago when i bought my first computer and typed BERTRAM into google. yikes !!

Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 11:19
by IRGuy
Capt Pat....

Happy 10th birthday!

I want to offer my thanks as well to you and all the others here who make this a special place where I have learned lots about taking care of "Phoenix", and also have learned a lot about many other things.

Having a B33 and not a B31 I dare not consider myself a brother here.. maybe hopefully a a cousin, but to the Bertram name I am faithful!

I look forward to when I can attend a get together or a boat show somewhere and meet in person some of the friends I have made here.

"Live long and prosper"

Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 16:42
by Vince Luciani
Capt Patrick,

Happy 10th Anniversary!

I believe I was one of the early members. Fate (or destiny?) led me to this website at its start which roughly coincided with my purchase of B31. I have to say that I couldn’t have done it (own an old 1968 Bertram) without you. Though I am not as regular poster as others here, I am certainly as “affected” by the site. This site is the first I check whenever I log on to a computer.

I’ve accomplished many projects with my boat with your help and the help of others here at this site. My biggest was certainly my repower in 2007. During the repower, many people questioned me on how I knew how to complete such a project and I told them about the network of owners who have shared their knowledge and experience openly on this site. Capt Patrick, if this was one of your visions when you formed this website, then you should take tremendous pride in knowing that you succeeded tremendously.

The repower/ restoration of a Bertram 31 was a dream/goal of mine since I was a young boy. It really took hold in 1997 when I attended a fishing seminar put on by Saltwater Magazine. Yanmar was at one of the booths promoting their product and they had a brochure/writeup about the repower of a 31 Bertram. I brought that home and read it a million times. That motivated me to take the plunge and purchase a 31 bertram (even before I was prepared to figure it out on my own, but certainly the website came along at the right time.

It’s all been a huge and greatly satisfying part of my life ever since.You should know that this website was/is a big part of it. My father, who has since passed, loved helping with the projects and the memories of that time together with my dad are priceless.

From the bottom of my heart I sincerely wish to thank you and say “Well Done”!

Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 19:07
by bob lico
along with my "sailing school rejects" that i call the brotherhood i cannot think of a better way then this site to bring together a great friendship of fellow 31 bertram owners jp,jk, dug, harry, bob h, neil,brewster,timmy , tom ward and to our hardworking organizer of the port judith get together- gplune .i am celebrating 50 years of working on boats this year and i have to say capt. patrick and this site taught me more then the proceding 40 years! great job capt. patrick

Posted: Nov 12th, '09, 20:00
by Harv
Hi Bob....

Way to go Capt. Pat.
Bringing strangers together for 10 years....WooHoo!!

Posted: Nov 14th, '09, 23:14
by Rocky
Thanks Capt Pat!! I just whish I was on the east coast so I could be attending some of those special events that take place. Would love to meet yaal. Capt Pat, your wealth of knowledge to this site is in my opinion unparalleled, and I enjoy every minute of it. Thanks again, and to everyone else!

Posted: Nov 16th, '09, 19:29
by Bob H.
Thanks Capt Pat...and congrats on 10 years...I too was a lurker well before I bought my Bahia Mar...After seeing what many of you guys accomplished I thought I could make a go of it..I love working on my boat and in many ways its therapy from everyday life..I only dream of it being done but I know it will float one day. Watching all of you complete first rate projects Bob Lico, JP, Dug, Harry, Gif, Bruce, Brewster, Carl and many others I cant recall by name...All under the watchful eye and guidance of Capt. Pat...The best people you will ever meet own 31 Bertrams...

Posted: Nov 17th, '09, 15:52
by JK
Wow, to think I've been on this site 10 years now is amazing. A lot sure has changed in the past 10 years but this site is the best site out there.


Posted: Nov 17th, '09, 16:29
by chris pague
Cap Patrick; Bruce, Randall UV .I want to give HOORAW to all you guys that I have spoken with on the phone and shared many thoughts.
What a great site. May God Bless us all and we all continue to share are dreams and fish stories.
OH!!!! Almost forgot Let Them Pry that Out Of My Hand But Only
After I Am Dead.
Chris, JoJo, Caine,Jenna

Posted: Nov 18th, '09, 14:15
by tunawish
Capt Pat. Happy Anniversary..

Only been here for 2 of the 10 but the info and lessons learned during that
time is staggering..The friendships are a huge bonus..

Here's to 10 more..


Posted: Nov 18th, '09, 18:52
by JP Dalik
Here's to 10 Capt.

Great spot you got here.

Helm pods, one piece windows, fiberglass front cowels, transom kill boxes.....etc. Would of never gotten the project to the point it is today if I hadn't looked at this site. Always great to see where each personality takes their B31.

It's only money, you think you get to take it with you? I couldn't think of a better spot to spend it.
