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Posted: Dec 12th, '23, 18:10
by Rickysa
Found out this summer after having a survey done...supposedly confined to the vee-berth and surrounding area. However, I haven't been on the boat in over a year (surgeries) and the folks that were supposed to treat it...didn't. Must have picked them up when the hard top was being fabricated...not sure of the overall damage (supposedly now in the stringers).

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to find someone to do what they say they will down east...the guy that did the survey was supposed to spearhead repair efforts, but no....marina???, nope...bummer

Although my mobility is limited, it looks like I'll be breaking out the sawsall and Tyvek in the coming months. I sure can't wait until it's just fishing and maintenance.

Think kind thoughts :?

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 13th, '23, 23:20
by Tony Meola
If they are in the stringers, it should not be an issue. The wood in the stringers from what I have been told is basically sacrificial the way the boat was designed. The glass covering them seems to be strong enough to handle the loads without the wood.

Now if it is a bulkhead, then that is a different story.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 14th, '23, 07:20
by Carl
One step forward and two steps back...ugh.

I'll ditto Tony on the wood in stringers was only there as a form for fiberglass and not structural. Bulkheads and other wood items...maybe it's not so bad.

You are right, so frustrating dealing with "Yes People" who do not follow through. So many incidents come to mind it makes my blood boil thinking about it.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 14th, '23, 09:41
by Rickysa
Hey, anybody wanna take on a fiberglass repair for $50 grand??

Actually, the estimate was between $50-$100 thousand (no joke :o ), and that's not Jarret Bay talking...just down-east NC.

I haven't seen the paperwork yet (fella from the yard got the "quote"), but I can't imagine what he's seeing since the boat isn't just a pile of sawdust. It's finally being treated for the bugs this Friday and, I'll be heading down after Christmas to take a look.

Guess I won't be fishing this spring after-all.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 14th, '23, 22:03
by Tony Meola
I would have the glass guy come down and show you $50,000 worth of damage. Sounds like he is replacing all the bulk heads and stringers.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 14th, '23, 23:08
by Rickysa
Yep, that's the plan.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 15th, '23, 07:20
by Carl
Replacing the stringers n bulkheads is part of the job...the other part is removing and replacing everything else. Ugh. If going that route maybe consider a donor hull and move everything over. Did I say ugh?

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 15th, '23, 09:18
by Rickysa
consider a donor hull
I hadn't even thought of that...great idea.

Given the time frame on how quickly he received this "estimate", I'm wondering if it wasn't more of a "well if all of "xxxxxxx" is involved you're looking at so-and-so dollars"

Come Dec. 27th, I hope to know more.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 17th, '23, 14:49
by Tommy
Ricky, I am relly sorry to hear of your latest challenge of a termite invasion. Boating is supposed to be fun along with some challenges; unfortunately, you have only experienced the challenges. Hang in there, my friend.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 17th, '23, 17:19
by Rickysa
Thanks Tommy,

Still trying to hold onto the "half-full" outlook...

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 18th, '23, 13:05
by Rawleigh
Sounds like a "throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks" quote!

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 18th, '23, 15:20
by Amberjack
Isolate the scope of work to find out what really needs to be done. And as you say that quote sounds like "we're busy, quote him high and see what he says".

Then start digging. Amberjack's interior was upgraded the galley counter needed to be refinished badly- it was original and really a mess. I figured the professional varnisher doing a lot of the work was connected to the industry and asked if he could get me an estimate. He came back with a quote of $3,000! That almost knocked me out, I couldn't afford that much. Once I got back up off the ground I started digging and finally wound up talking with the contractor that did Amberjack's bottom job a few years ago. The countertop job was too small for him to take on but he had one of the workers do it as a side job. He brought it back with new gelcoat, perfect for $600. I was happy enough to give him a $200 bonus.

Bottom line, you know its not a $100,000 job and with luck a lot less than a $50,000 job.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 07:23
by Rickysa
I agree Doug,

Since (as of late this summer) there was no obviously visible damage, finding out just how bad it is (severity and location) will be something I'm going to need to find help with. No answer from the fella that did the original (insurance) survey this summer, or anyone else I've left messages for (including non-marine folk). I had put the cabin (et. al.) restoration on the back-burner, other than gutting/painting, and planned to address it after trying to have a little fun fishing and howdy-boating (thanks UV) this year...seems the time I had planned from cutting back at work will be used for a season of destruct/restruct instead.

I also found out no local pest guys can do the termite treatment since the boat will have to be wrapped/fumigated, so I'm trying to find somebody for that job as well.

Fun times!

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 14:31
by Amberjack
We want to hear about you terrorizing the fish, not crawling around in Tyvek waving a Sawsall.

Re: Termites

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 16:00
by Rickysa

Stay tuned!!