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Boat Less

Posted: Jul 16th, '14, 22:44
by Pete Fallon
For the first time in 45 years I am now boat less. I sold the Vizcaya my 1961 31 Bertram Express cruiser to a fellow from St. John USVI, he had a 31 Express that was destroyed in an accident between St John and St Thomas a year or so ago. So now I am moving back to the Boston area for a while to get my knee replaced for the 4th time at Mass General Hospital. It feels sort of weird not having the boat, but it wasn't being used and he wanted one very badly. He is going to have it shipped by Tropical as a deck load to St Thomas. Anyway I will still be one the board and who knows when I will get another 31 Express, I need to make sure that the knee is going to last more than 3 years, that's all I got out of the last one. I'll be moving around the first or second week of August, I would have loved to make the Greenport gathering but it's not going to work out. I will be doing surveys up in the Boston area as soon as I get the okay from the doctors to resume working again.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 16th, '14, 22:48
by CaptPatrick

Good luck with everything. Glad you finally found a buyer...

Best regards,


Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 04:28
by SteveM
Pete, it sounds like the boat went to the right person, that's a nice thing. This next knee operation will be better than the others.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 05:13
by Charlie J
congrats pete, and good luck with the knee

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 05:26
by John F.
Congratulations on the sale. Good luck with the knee. I'm sure there are plenty of boats here that you get a ride on--mine included of course.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 05:43
by Bruce
I know your time is probably tight, but if you can spare a lunch hour I'll drive up your way for a bite.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 06:35
by Carl
Pete...I know the bittersweet feeling.

You can buy another boat when the time is right...or just enjoy OPB. (Other Peoples Boats)

A nice move for your will enjoy its new found life. I hope you have visitation rights!

Best of luck to you and keep us posted.


Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 08:18
by Tommy
Pete, after you get back on your feet (knees), come to NC for a week or two and we'll have you out on a different boat every day! I wish you the best of success on your surgery and recovery. I I am happy and sad about the sale of your Vizcaya.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 08:27
by Dug
Pete, I'm glad you found a buyer. Its a relief I am sure. That being said, I get your glumness about it.

I am going to choose to believe that this time the surgery will go well. And you will be back at it in no time.

Take care my friend,


Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 09:27
by dougl33

If you can swing it, there'll be 8 33's at P-town starting Friday July 25-27. You can take the ferry over from Boston.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 10:16
by mike ohlstein
There are 8 33's still floating? Holy crap.......

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 10:34
by dougl33
mike ohlstein wrote:There are 8 33's still floating? Holy crap.......

Stop it, yer killin' me!

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 12:12
by Bertramp
Congrats on the sale !!
Hope the next knee serve you well.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 17:44
by Marlin
Peter, strange as it may sound, I have a 31 that u surveyed that needs a captain/mate /swabbie, to cruise her around Stuart, if u get time in the future u may fit the job description, pay ain't good, will do lunch at the Brass Ring,good luck, I will miss your availability to survey new toys, looking at a riva aquarama 28' ,may need some guidance ,u have seen them all,I chatted with my insurance agent the other day and he said he had never seen a more thorough survey in his 20 + years as u performed on the wahoo!and that's all his company does is high end boats!I think u fooled him! Let us no the progress

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 18:39
by Bob H.
Pete, That's a good news bad news day..if you ever need a Bertram fix, I'm your guy ring me up and we can cruise around the bay, I owe you one for those sweet teak planks..get that knee fixed..once and for all..BH

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 19:59
by IRGuy

I wish you all kinds of luck with your knee.. and will read your post op posts with increased interest, because I am going in sometime this fall to have my right knee replaced. I took a late tackle from my best friend about 45 years ago in a Rugby match, twisted it badly, and in the past year it has started to hurt like hell. Dr says he hasn't seen many Xrays as bad as mine, and says I can come in any time to have it done. I said to schedule it after boating season. After all, one has to get their priorities in the proper order.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 17th, '14, 21:57
by jspiezio
Good luck and get that knee done right this time!

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 18th, '14, 20:22
by bob lico
Pete your in good medical hands in Boston . The hell with the boat your health is the biggest concern.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 18th, '14, 21:44
by MarkS
Plus once an owner always a brother. All the best!

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 04:05
by Pete Fallon
Thanks for all the comforting remarks about selling my boat, after 37 years it's like removing part of my life. The new owner and his son are wonderful people, that know 31's and I have visitation rights if I get down to the USVI. I had to find them a trailer so it could be shipped as a deck load. Tropical Shipping requires that the boat be on either a cradle or a trailer, no jack stands. Cracker Boy wanted 2K to build a steel cradle just for it to be shipped to St Thomas, USVI. I managed to find a 3 axle galvanized roller trailer with brakes here in Stuart for 2K, it's 12,500 capacity, a little marginal but it should be okay to make it to the islands as a deck load, it's not going to be towed by land across the US Interstate pot hole filled roads.
The biggest problem so far is trying to get a boat transport company to move it from Indiantown to the Port of Palm Beach a total of 33 miles, a straight shot down the Beeline (route 710). I think there are 4 total turns from the marina to the port, I have gotten quotes ranging from anywhere between $1,200 to $500.00. Anyone know a shipper or a trucker with a dually and wide load permits, I called Skipper Shipper they can't tow it because all they have is big semi's, an other company wanted big bucks to cover his insurance deductible. I have not heard back from Wheel's Transport in Pompano, he's charging $100.00 an hour from the time he leaves Pompano until the time he gets back to Pompano with a minimum of $500.
The knee surgery is going to be done around Labor Day at Mass General, the lawyer that I hired is now saying that my case is not going to be heard until sometime in November of 2015, he's saying it's falling into a class action suit, not an individual case as first agreed. I am going to find a real top gun lawyer in the Boston area when I get up there next month. As you guy's know I have 3 total knee replacements since 1999 and I am looking at #4 in a month or so. I have had it done by 3 different doctors at 3 different hospitals, 3 different types of knees and the only common factor is they are all made by the same manufacturer Depuy(Johnson& Johnson). I have been on crutches 24/7 since last September and it's really starting to get very tiresome, plus I have only been able to do a very few surveys because of the limited mobility and the pain and swelling that happen after I do a survey. Anyway, thanks for all the encouraging words about selling my boat, I'll keep you posted on what is happening with the up coming knee surgery. Enjoy the Greenport get together I wish I could be there. Capt. Patrick, Bruce and everyone else on the board thanks for all the help and support over the years. Bruce time is getting real tight, I'll have to take a rain check on lunch right now. Doug L I'll see you around the Salem/Beverly area when I get up there.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 06:52
by Bruce
Can it be run to the port and pulled out by them?

Could it be loaded on the trailer at the yard and towed over to the Port as well? Will the trailer make it that far? That would only require a truck to pull rig.

Let me know what I can do to help out especially if you leave the area.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 07:29
by jspiezio
Bruce wrote:Pete,
Can it be run to the port and pulled out by them?
That was my thought as well/

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 18:00
by my other east
I was thinking the same as Bruce.
I'm more than willing to help out in any way possible.
I'm only a 1/2 hour away from Indiantown.
Let me know.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 20:23
by Marlin
Run her to Cracker Boys and truck her the 1/4 mile, do u know anyone there,I'm assuming the shipping is from port of palm beach

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 20th, '14, 20:30
by tunawish
Hey Pete,
Sorry to hear about the knee again.... Wishing you the best of luck ...I'm sure you'll be boating again after they get it right this time, especially with all the advancements in joint replacement recently..

When you get back on your feet and you're surveying again let us all know. Since Ralph Kershaw tragically passed in the 9/11 attacks there hasn't been a surveyor who I've had luck with or could refer with confidence.. Be good to have a trusted and qualified person up here..

You know I'm less than a stones throw away in Swampscott, let me know if there is anything I can do..


Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 21st, '14, 00:41
by Pete Fallon
Marlin, Ray & Bruce,
I've already bought the trailer and the yard in Indiantown will load it on the trailer for me. just need to get someone to haul the boat by truck to the port, the trailer is in good condition, just a little on the marginal side for the weight of the boat. The engines haven't run for 6 months ( not seized ) plus there is no fuel in the boat. I can't move around well enough with my knee to run the boat, Bruce the knee is even worse than when you saw me back in February. Ray I'll be up there in August and should be back to work by the first of the year if all goes right. I have a guy in Stuart that might do the job, I'll know more tomorrow.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 21st, '14, 09:09
by Navatech
Pete, I'd be more then happy to come and run the boat for you from Indiantown to Palm Beach... No reason the engines wouldn't manage it (and I can bring my tool box with me)... Yes, Tropical would require empty gas tanks but we can hook up two portable tanks for the trip... That would leave your tanks dry...

My younger son is here for the summer vacation (the elder son who's in the Israeli Navy was also supposed to come but his furlough was canceled for obvious reasons) so I have a mate... You can either join us (one last trip for old times sakes) and have somebody else move the trailer or handle that part yourself...

Also, it goes without saying, you're welcome to make use of Lady S whenever you want as soon as she's in the water, whether in PR or FL... On your own or with me...

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 21st, '14, 09:44
by TailhookTom
I'm glad/sad that your boat is gone to a new steward.

Best of luck on the surgery -- if anyone deserves a positive outcome - its you.


Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 04:32
by Pete Fallon
Marlin, Navatech & everyone else,
I got a trucking company out of Pompano to haul the boat from Indiantown Marina to the Port of Palm Beach on it's own trailer. Thanks for all the offers for help, I really appreciate it. Looks like it's going to happen on Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 07:15
by Craig G
Good luck with the knee surgery. My knees started going after I got my 31 Bertram. I think partly because my knees would pound on the deck every time I got on board. Maybe another factor is that I am getting older, but since I got my Bahia Mar, I have had an ACL replacement and have Miniscus damage in both knees. I have since installed stainless steel folding steps (similar to what you would see on a Mack truck) on my engine boxes about half way up on the box from the deck. They did require some modification to get the step to fold out horizontal since the engine boxes are not vertical on the aft side. My knees no longer pound when I get on board now. It amazes me though, how many people still insist on jumping on my teak deck, usually right on the hatch which is still supported by 46 year old plywood.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 18:35
by Marlin
Pete, your thoughts, I'm interested in a2011 66' F&S sport fish in Puerto Rico , I know u belong to an accredited surveyors assoc, doesn't sound as if your up to right now, do u have any contacts domestically or in the Caribbean ,u been around a long time in this arena, would probabably fly my captain down as well for the first look,if it's interesting I would then negotiate and go down and fish the boat,need your guidance!

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 20:12
by Pete Fallon
Which 66 are you looking at in PR Ay Caramba or La Berraquera. It's a proven fishing machine from a chicken coop on the C&D canal in Del. Floyd has a good reputation as quality high end builder. If you are serious about it I would make sure it doesn't have any termites and real close inspection of all the wood in the bottom. Skinned with FRP and Kevlar cold molded 3 to 4 layers of 1/2" marine plywood in a nice bottom design. When are you going to look at it? I am going to be tied up until mid August with the move back to the Boston area. I don't know of anyone in PR personally but there is a fellow named Carlos Suarez who is a SAMS member since 1994 he's out of Arecibo PR office # 787-879-1048. If you can wait until the end of August I will be able to fly down from Boston and meet you in PR to inspect it.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 20:17
by mike ohlstein
Nice boat.

A B31 bow chock would finish it off nicely…...

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 07:37
by CamB25
What does this mean?

"The "Ay Caramba" is not for sale to US Citizens while in US Waters"

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 09:11
by Navatech
CamB25 wrote:What does this mean?

"The "Ay Caramba" is not for sale to US Citizens while in US Waters"
It means it's not a US registered boat... You (US citizen) can purchase it while outside of US territory...

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 10:30
by mike ohlstein
Or it means that the Feds want it for some reason.........

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 17:49
by Marlin
Peter, thx for the response, Ay carumba or whatever is the boat, I'm north for the season but looking into a plane for next week, mine is in for a glass cockpit upgrade,( boats are inexpensive compared to turbo jets) so I need plan b, general condition and sea trial in bumpy water is my initial reason, if that meets muster, will make an offer subject to survey, how do surveyors come up with a value on custom boats, I'm sure I will experience the same issue if I sell the 42' margaritavich, my guess is this boat never paid any us /state sales tax and that's the reason for the disclaimer, would get a maritime barrister to do this part of the due diligence,any suggestions ,I've looked at 3boats in the last 4weeks, they all sell quickly,maybe it's becoming a sellers market , that effect the timing of the transaction, is it true u catch bigger fish with a bigger boat?

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 21:21
by Tony Meola

Since Pete will not be able to help you out, why not send Huesso a PM and see if he knows of a good surveyor?

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 22:31
by Navatech
Marlin wrote:Pete, your thoughts, I'm interested in a2011 66' F&S sport fish in Puerto Rico , I know u belong to an accredited surveyors assoc, doesn't sound as if your up to right now, do u have any contacts domestically or in the Caribbean ,u been around a long time in this arena, would probabably fly my captain down as well for the first look,if it's interesting I would then negotiate and go down and fish the boat,need your guidance!
I know a good surveyor in PR... He's based in Fajardo but the island isn't that big and he gets around... His name is Joseph Barlia... He's an old hand at boats... His web site is He's pretty busy so contact him ASAP so that he'll be available...

Tell him I sent you!... That will knock off a bit off the survey cost...

Boating did an article in 2004 in which he was involved: ... ia&f=false

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 06:43
by Marlin
Thx tony and navatech, need to find someone of peters caliber, I just bought 1955. 18' chris craft cobra that was located 2hours north of Toronto ,, recommended surveyor gave me verbal and written positive comments on the authenticity of this collectible and hence I paid the price, once it was delivered, there were numerous expensive faults that were obvious and so far ,expensive to repair. I was still south for the winter and relied on the broker and his recommenced professional,learned another lesson the hard way,don't tell my wife, she will get even!

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 07:20
by CaptPatrick
...relied on the broker and his recommenced professional...
Cardinal rule: Never, ever, trust a surveyor recommended by a selling broker...

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 07:37
by Fishin Tom

If you pass by NJ and would like to stop at Holtz Boatworks on your way to Mass give me a call and stop by we can compare crutches and I can show you some of our current projects which I think you would find interesting. Tom Oakes

Hope all goes well for you. Its a shame we wait til the final quarter to have all our parts fail and major maintenance required.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 13:05
by Marlin
Pat, especially if their Canadian rag boaters

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 25th, '14, 00:28
by Pete Fallon
I don't do sail boats because even if they are from North of the Boarder they want everything for nothing and complain when you fine something that can hurt them or the boat. I came from a sailing background growing up racing US one designs, 110's 210's US1' and Stars. The need for a reasonable speed and going in a straight line not tacking 10 times in a mile. I gave it up in the late 60's for a 19' center console then the 31 Bertram, along with running other peoples boats and getting paid for it made it a simple decision to go to power. Eight renewals on my 100 ton was enough, didn't renew in 2008 due to knee surgeries. Marlin I have a very good friend that had a G-25 back in the early 90's and then went into Robertson R44 helo's at the present. I thought about getting my private pilots ticket, but it got so expensive I took up golf instead, plus most cockpits were a little cramped for 6'4" guy with a bad knee.
I'll will keep in touch with you about the F&S and I thank you for the offer on Wahoo. Going to say good bye to my 31 tomorrow she's headed for the USVI next week, leaving the boatyard tomorrow on the trailer after lunch time 1-3 PM hopefully. Got a trucking company out of Pompano called Wheels anyone ever heard of him he seems to know his business.
Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 25th, '14, 07:17
by John Swick

Gee 2 hrs north of Toronto is my neck of the woods.

Guys, I'm kinda plugged in up here and don't mind helping out when and if I can.

Wind wagons..........don't get me started.

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 25th, '14, 22:03
by Pete Fallon
It is official I am now completely boat less as of 3:30 PM this after noon. The trucker came to Indiantown Marina at 12:30 PM and I followed him to the Port of Palm Beach 33 miles , he was a little concerned about the trailer being too small but after loading it on a12,500 pound triple axle trailer with 3 sets of rollers it hardly compressed the springs. He didn't want to go over 50 MPH but we made it with no problems, it towed perfectly. With the exception of the idiots that couldn't wait to pass you on a stretch of 2 lane road it was a breeze. So now I can concentrate on moving back to Salem area and getting my knee replaced. I'm going to miss the old girl after almost 37 years of stewardship, but there is another 31 Express waiting for me in a few years. Thanks,Pete Fallon

Re: Boat Less

Posted: Jul 26th, '14, 18:15
by MarkS
Good luck with all Pete!