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Here we go.....

Posted: Aug 28th, '19, 11:01
by mike ohlstein

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Aug 28th, '19, 13:26
by Bruce
The hype propaganda machine is in full swing. The Florida weather reporters have been just waiting for this day and are cutting loose.

Twinkies, pop tarts and circus peanuts.....check
Tie the cat to a tree.......check. Huh, wait. When did we get a cat?
Looter repellent........check
Medicinal alcohol.......check

Ready Freddie

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 14:09
by Rawleigh
You are all doomed, doomed I tell you!!!!!

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 20:42
by Bruce
Hey we just may be on this one if it hits at a 4.

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 21:00
by Kevin
Too far out.......could go north, maybe even south who knows. They all go north at some point.
On a serious note the new place am living has a sweet home generator. Runs like a champ but does not produce juice. Auto start works but I don't think the generator is exciting if that is the right terminology. Glad I brought my trusty Irma generator with me on the flatbed when we trailered the boat up last week. Guess I will have to back feed.

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Sep 1st, '19, 23:07
by Tony Meola

Ardd you getting out of town?

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Sep 2nd, '19, 08:59
by Bruce
Can't. Too many people to look after and the wife is locked into the assisted and independent living facility she works at till Wed.

Re: Here we go.....

Posted: Sep 3rd, '19, 22:06
by Mark
This storm still wants to flirt with you guys down in Florida. Storm actually getting bigger even though it has weakened. Hopefully it will turn North and then Northeast as predicted or sooner. Then hope it doesn't do a Matthew when it gets up North.

We had some bad storms up north yesterday and have had some really bad short storms all summer. A few weeks ago lost 4 large trees within a 200 ft radius of the house in 10 minutes. Never seen 70 mph wind appear and dissipate so quickly and appear to go down then up. Are we in Kansas? Mother Nature is pissed!

Feel terrible for the folks in the Bahamas. Damn thing just wouldn't leave.
